
Posted on the 15 December 2014 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks

Firstly, I am clearly taking a break from Vlogging-if you check out my channel right now, uhm-the Sherlock fandom might be more active. And if you're wondering who in the world are all those adorable and fantastically charismatic and creative little-people faces? (plus mine) Let me tell you,
These guys are my world, my release valve, my entertainment, my support crew, my creativity channelers and my laughers-at-all-my-bad-jokes (but they're very honest if it's a bad one) These kids are precious to my soul, and right now my heart is just so overwhelmed.
You see today was our Christmas program. I was our assistant director, with mi madre as our official director. It was stressful, there were mess ups, terrible church puns, crazy bunches of nerves ad my gosh there was a lot of questions. 
But this is my crew, my electric company, my Red Band Society, my "Friends" (TV series). I love mentoring and working with these ladies and gentlemen and I've come to realize something incredibly important today:
They are the future. 
Let me elaborate, people do not live forever, and more specifically, leaders of the church will not be the leaders forever. These kids are who's up next, and not even just in the church. These are the next CEO's, Einstein's, Nobel Prize winners and inventors, and definitely some wonderful stay at home parents. What I am trying to say is that, I am so honoured and privileged to be working with these kids at a point in their life when they have lots of questions, when they're working through their stutters, when they're starting to open up about things and create their own bad jokes.

So, what can I say?

I've been given a role in their lives, and I am so excited and thrilled for what is going to come next. And, they make me all weepy inside.

So, thank you, my Crew

For all that you say and do
God is good,

p.s. the above pic was our "before" selfie,

this was our "after"
We look like we just finished a crazy Christmas program, oh wait-we did!