Celebrate the little things
Dear Vidur,
If you were to ask me what my favorite quote is, I would probably pick this one " Celebrate the little things in life ".
This is something your Grandma always encouraged me to do. Life wasn't easy those days and we had to find our happiness in the little things -which turned out to be an excellent approach to life. Truly, when you celebrate the little things, your day is filled with pockets of joy that burst forth and keep you smiling.
And so it was, for me. I remember one particular instance when we were almost broke - which was normal during the last week of the month. Our neighbor came with some good news and after congratulating her, your Grandma immediately brought out the sugar tin and gave her a spoon of sugar. Then, she rushed back into the kitchen - which was a counter along one wall in our one-room abode - and opened the pressure cooker. We had just made idlis. She popped out one tray, stuck a birthday candle in one of the dumplings and sang as she brought it in. I'll never forget that sight, her face lit by the glow of the candle, smiling, full of love and ready to rejoice in someone's moment of happiness.
What I am trying to say is - regardless of financial condition, it is always possible to celebrate. Do you remember how she used to celebrate your birth star every month for as long as she was alive? She would be so excited to tear off the sheet from the daily calender as she strained to read the info for the day and then she'd get busy, making things you enjoy. It wouldn't be a big gift - a new pencil, a story book, a blank notebook - anything that you could use right away. But the joy was priceless.
I have made celebrating the little things a way of life. Like yesterday, when you said you cracked that question paper - I remember the look on your face when you saw your favorite sweet and the coconut chutney you enjoy, waiting for you!
Point is - acknowledging your little victories and feeling grateful for them fills you with a positive light. And that makes life infinitely happier.
I must confess that I took refuge in this quote especially during the time your Grandma was going through the toughest period, health wise. I would feel like crying most days, in frustration. Yet, she always encouraged me to think of what we had - and not waste these precious moments together feeling miserable. She believed in celebrating every moment - she believed that it was that attitude that kept her going on, in spite of all that she had to deal with in her life.
And so, dear Vidur, I encourage you to always be conscious of every little good thing.
Be present, celebrate.Celebrate the little things, for they'll be the big things in the long run.
Just as my mind is filled with precious little memories that keep me smiling, so it will be, for you. Remember, no victory too small, no moment too insignificant to celebrate.
I want to wrap up with another "C" word that aligns perfectly with Celebration - and it is "Choice". Exercise your power to choose.
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." - Victor Frankel
We can't choose life's challenges, but we can certainly control our response to them. Using choice as your strength, in your thoughts and in the way you see a situation - you can be victim or survivor. You are capable of much more than you realize. Use your power of choice to:
- Celebrate the good things in your life
- Count your blessings each day
- Focus on people who care for you
- Strengthen your relationships and be there for those you care about
- Pick love, not fear
Celebrate life when you awaken each morning, look in the mirror and tell your reflection "I love you. I wish you happiness".
Don't forget to recognize the little things that make you happy. And hey, encourage your friends to do so, too!
Love and hugs, Blessed to be your Mom
A to Z Challenge 2015 C is for Celebrate
C is forCinnamon at Life Hacks For Diabetics
C is forConnect at Life Hacks for Happiness
I am happy to join Janine Ripper and Mackenzie Glanville for Friday Reflections today. Out of the three beautiful prompts, I chose "Share your favorite inspirational quote and tell us why you love it and what it means to you". Won't you join us?