Celebrate The Small Things In Life

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Early this week, I found Vikki’s fabulous Celebrate the Small Things weekly blog-hop that goes live every Friday, thanks to Michelle at Writer In Transit.

The wonderful theme of this linky is to celebrate the small things on a weekly basis. It especially appealed to me because I maintain a gratitude journal and am a big fan of appreciating the little things.  I decided to hop right in. What a wonderful way to rejoice as we usher in the weekend! So…

Let’s Celebrate the small things

A digital break with benefits

We had a seven hour power cut today thanks to some unannounced repair work. Yes, 7 hours of no power – no computer, no mobile phones, no Television, no DVD player, no radio, no refrigerator, no washing machine, no mixer grinder, no kettle, no microwave. I mention these because these are the things we usually use.  Solid soul giggles moment. Still, I’d say we were a lot better off than most others. We could have ordered pizza for lunch, but I had already planned a menu for today – I wanted to make cluster beans the typical Telangana cuisine style accompanied with a spinach dish called “palak paneer“, a lentils dish and rice.

So rather than order pizza,  I decided to go ahead with the original plan. With sunshine playing hide and seek in my kitchen, I loaded up the pressure cooker with rice, dal (lentils) and the chopped cluster beans and set about washing and cooking the spinach. I took care to chop it this time, instead of cooking the leaves whole and running them in the blender. No blender, you see.  Music filled my ears, however, with Vidur and Sury singing songs and the cooking got done an hour later.  The three of us happily settled down to a long leisurely lunch.  Then we cleared up together – and the music continued while we washed up.

It was an afternoon meant for reading, what with a happy full tummy.  Tea time of course arrived sooner than usual.  The pleasant afternoon seemed to demand it.  So, we enjoyed our tea.  We had no idea when power would be restored and didn’t worry.  We simply decided to celebrate the small things and I was grateful:

  • for the welcome digital break
  • that it was cool enough not to need the fans
  • that I had finished my work deadlines yesterday and emailed my clients
  • that I had run the washing machine yesterday and the clothes were merrily dancing on the clothesline in the breeze

Enough reasons to celebrate!

Smooth sailing

Two days ago, we went schoolbook shopping for Vidur – and got everything in one shot. Usually at least one of the books is out of stock, but this time it was different.  A great “yay!” moment.

Another wonderful thing that happened last week – I got a set of books I had been coveting like crazy.  I used to own the entire set when I was in high school and treasured it, but somehow, over the years, they got borrowed and never came back. So I got the digital version – but that’s good enough! I am comfortable with e-books, so it is all good!

More good news!

A dear friend of mine is moving to Bangalore and will arrive on June 22. I am so excited!

Another dear friend and I have started working on a project we’re collaborating on.  It is so exhilarating!

Remember I spoke about a friend’s daughter’s accident in an earlier post? She started to walk this week, with the help of a walker!

My ankle, which had nerve damage from my accident in Jan 2013, is showing signs of recovery.

My fabulous Indiblogeshwaris group’s website was launched this week and we started a brand new weekly series today called “Friday Fables” that will feature two “Indiblogeshwari” posts every Friday. I am honored to be featured in that space today along with another amazing blogger-friend, Suranga Date.  Here’s my featured post: A shower of kindness.

Truly, happiness starts with gratitude!

That rounds up my “celebrate the small things” week.

What is your favorite moment from the week gone by?

P.S.: Have you had a chance to check out the 30 Days Of Bold course?  Register before June 24 to enjoy the pre-registration discount and bonus gifts. Make fear your friend!

Have a lovely weekend!