Another Planet Joy reminder
Well hello, you fabulous Planetarians, all 569 of you. Goodness, I've missed this space! I can't thank you enough for your kindness after my last post. Your comments, emails, phone calls, text messages, cards, parcels, loads of groceries, cheques and gift-cards have absolutely floored me. And left me dumbstruck - I have dozens of unanswered emails piled up, waiting for me to find the right words. How can I adequately thank people, including strangers, who responded to kind Janelle's post here by sending us gifts to ensure we could give the pixies a wonderful Christmas? Hmm, that's tomorrow's task - writing my thankyou notes to wrap up 2012! Now, time to catch up on how we've celebrated Christmas on Planet Baby. The wreath

The mantelpiece

Like last year, we bought our Killiecrankie Farm Christmas tree from Lee who delivered it to kind Karen at Karen Wagner Garden & Design. Here we are collecting it.

The presents

The family fun
For the first time, we hosted my family - 9 adults and 7 littlies under 8! It was noisy but fabulous. Seeing the cousins playing together so happily made my heart swell. My Dad would have loved it.

The cake

So, this has been a whopper post but now I feel like I've caught back up with you again. I'll pop back tomorrow to review our year. Tell me, did you see anything here which made you smile? I'm all ears!