Diaries Magazine

Celebration of Women

Posted on the 07 March 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Happy International Women’s Day for 2013. Are you going to do anything for Women’s Day? Are you hosting an event? Or doing something to help young girls who are our future? Let us know so that we can all share and know about your event.

If you would like to know more information  about International Women’s Day, this link has plenty of history and background.

There is many events worldwide to celebrate International Women’s Day, so why not click on the link and find out what is happening in your area.

I am taking my little women to swimming lessons. Today we have our old instructor back so hopefully the girls will manage to not have a tantrum and be good.   I will tell them about today and try and get in some background, but four year old’s have a short attention span but will do my best.

Let us know what you got up to today.

P.S. It is also my Aunty’s birthday today so will wish her well. What a great day for a birthday!

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