Cell- 'Stephen King' | Review

Posted on the 01 July 2014 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie
Hey guys,
As my second Stephen King read 'Cell' is a somewhat pushed out of the view piece of work. One of his lesser known works, 'Cell' stretches in at 512 pages, a somewhat not needed amount for something that could have easily been condensed down. King uses 'Cell' to somewhat enrich his own fascinations about the dangers of the cellphone and what effect this could have on the human race. He predicts a somewhat bleak set of circumstances that see the main protagonist Clay beginning an extensive search party for his son, Johnny.
This is a novel that takes time, almost enjoys claiming your time as you bumble haphazardly through the first one hundred pages. The thing is this book never reaches that climatic "I have to find out!" by page three hundred I couldn't be bothered anymore to find out about Johnny and Clay's story. King tries to weave too many complex metaphors and character stories to allow the reader to focus on the sole purpose of the story, Clay's narrative. When other characters are introduced I felt no fight in Clay, he seemed like this was just another day. There was never this sense of danger, of threat or even a global scope. This was a book destined for the happy ending, we know that Clay will find his son, some might not be okay with knowing this outcome. (SPOILER!!: When Clay does find his half delusional son that likes to pee outside like a rabid animal we again feel no danger, no threat, I just felt as if that was a sore ending.) I wanted to see what five hundred pages could produce, I wanted to feel involved, and I just didn't.
I felt like an outsider. Did I enjoy that? Not particularly. This book sapped the life out of me and in my efforts to continue I plodded along half enjoying the sometimes ingenious metaphors and quips. Whilst other times I felt let down by the slow paced narration.
Did this book deliver? No. Did this book do a sort of okay job? Yes.
It is a book worth it if you have tired 'Fifty Shades' and other "literature" you find in the woodland cabin your parents have kindly suggested as a holiday destination. I can't see any other reason for this book, it didn't change my mind, it didn't enlighten me. It just felt like an achievement to finish such a long book.