CHA Summer 2012 ~ Spellbinders

Posted on the 22 July 2012 by Hsimoni @wildwyoartcafe

I've been at the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) Show in Chicago this week!  Lucky for me, being with Spellbinders Paper Arts since 2006 comes with some perks.  I am on the Inspiration Team, doing projects and tutorial videos for Michaels and Joann's, and I am part of the Travel Team who gets to go to the CHA shows and work the booth.  

This company is like family to me.  I love every second of my trips, even when it's a lot of hard work.  I'm so thankful to be a part of this fabulous and amazing company.

Here's a little recap of my week!

Dinner at our hotel.  On the right side of the table you'll see Kirstie Rylon - Director of Marketing for Spellbinders, Julianna Hudgins, Kim Hupke - Spellbinders Education Director, Cathy Chlebana Design Team Coordinator, Stacey Caren - Owner of Spellbinders, Kellie Forton - President of JustRite Stamps.....then you might notice Becca Feekan on the left.  That's just a few of us at dinner that night.


Our old friend Kar came to see us.  The four of us were on the 2006 Design Team together.  It was so great to see her and catch up.

The Spellbinders crew heading back to the hotel after set up.  I must say, this show went together and came down very well.  We are all seasoned at the CHA shows and know how the booth needs to look.  I helped put artwork up on the towers during set up.  I swear that is my favorite job.  Cindy was a huge help with all her pre-organized rubber bins, bubble wrap and labels.

Dinner at Gino's East.  We always have a company dinner one night.  Stacey always has a little gift for each of us as well.  She is so lovely and generous.

Spellbinders Booth at CHA, one of the Make and Take cards in the center, booth artwork, Jeff Caron demo table, and then tear down at the end of the show.

I was lucky enough to have dinner with JustRite Stamps - Kellie Fortin and gang.  Here is a shot of her booth as well.  Gorgeous!


I can't really put into words how much these women inspire me.  They are all so creative, fun, kind and full of personality.  I'm so thankful they are a part of my life.  I am honored to know each and every one of them.


Spellbinders won the CHA 2012 Summer Innovations Award for the new Majestic Elements die templates. Kim, Stacey and Cathy, and Stacey doing a live feed with Charity Wings.  This company never ceases to amaze me every single day!

New Want2Scrap by Julianna Hudgins!!!  Look at that gorgeous Jewel Flowers and Flourishes bling, and all that new chipboard!

Spellbinders group of ladies.....I just adore this photo.  We all wore black and white, and didn't even plan it!  We are connected creative souls for sure.


Our last night together we all went to dinner at Gibsons.  It was sooo much fun.  We shared good food, drinks and lots of laughter.  

We told stories and celebrated all of Spellbinders accomplishments.  I am such a lucky girl to be part of this amazing group.

It was an incredible week.  Spellbinders has grown so much since I started with them in 2006.  I am in awe of the business sense, creativity, and innovation from this company.  Miss you all already!

I hope you enjoyed seeing photo's from this past week at CHA.  I'll have more in a few days.

Thanks for stopping by!

