
Posted on the 28 June 2011 by Flemmingbo

Changes. I feel my blog has become stale over the past months and a change is needed. I no longer wish to feature any sort of boring self-promotion (I am sick of self-promotion) nor much in the way of technical posts (there are other sites excelling in that). And my latest images can always be viewed in my Recent Works gallery.

I want to tell personal stories about me and my present life as a nomad photographer. I always struggle with the idea why anyone would be interested in my life and thoughts, but then again when you read my blog I want the words and images to mean something. These personal stories I also very much enjoy writing, but I have to be in the right (not self-punishing) mood. It is no secret I have and still struggle mightily in getting my groove back after being sick for weeks.

Ch-ch-ch-changes. I will now post less frequently but strive for content with some meaning and quality in personal stories. I hope that will interest you. Next post will be about the concept of ‘Home’, what it means to me, featuring images of people and their homes from my travels.
