Changing the Scenery

Posted on the 01 October 2014 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD
7:30 am

Easy like Tuesday morning. I'd like this to be atleast a semi productive day, but that's what I always say. Last night cooperated. Not a bad shift at all. But then again once I get home I can have the best of plans, and then 4 hours later I'm waking up from a nap and don't want to do anything. We'll see.

8:37 am

The most relaxing thing in the world, once he gets past the initial mega-hyperness, is coming homing from my shift at work, kicking off my shoes, emptying my pockets of my keys and my wallet, taking off my cap, and lying down on the floor and letting Guinness greet me like a champ. Good to see you too, boy.

3:54 pm

Late lunch of champions (3 sausage, egg, serrano and cheese tacos with salsa habanero) just got supercharged with some Shiner Oktoberfest. Don't judge me. I ran out of bottled water and had to improvise (although the girlfriend makes a valid point that I could have just drank tap water and added my Mio to it for deliciousness). Oh well. You live, you drink delicious beer to wash down your delicious late lunch, and you learn.

8:34 pm

I think the change-of-pace walking route I took with Guinness this evening is going to become my every day route. Walking right out my front door and through the neighborhood is convenient, but just a couple minutes drive away and I have well lit, ultra wide sidewalks, nice scenery and lots of photo ops. A flying child's silhouette against a contrasting orange sky filled with birds is nice too. Not sure if I'm going to stay in or step out for a bit tonight. Nothing crazy, just something chill. I have errands I'd like to run early in the morning, and to make that happen I'd need to stay in, but chillaxing somewhere for a couple cold ones wouldn't be so bad either. We shall see.

[Aaaaaand just as I'm posting this Maldonado texts, "Lucky's?.."] We all know the answer to that question.

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