…chantez En Yaourt

Posted on the 15 July 2015 by Zer @the2women

Happy Bastille Day!

Over the years 2WC has annually shared our love of French culture, language, and the history of this day, but today I have to highlight the coincidence (probably) of another significant event today.

Today, a celebration of French revolution and independence also brought the release of the long-awaited (by those who even knew it was a possibility) sequel to a piece of classic American literature, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” I mean how random and wonderful is that?

I know next to nothing about the plot of Harper Lee’s “Go Set a Watchman,” although I do know a bit more than I’d like, the “New York Times” piece below is wonderful, but there should be a spoiler alert at the top of it.

Still, whatever you (eventually) think of the sequel, it’s hard to imagine that its predecessor will ever be anything but a literary staple in classrooms across this country and around the world. So, I applaud the irony of its release date being a French national holiday. Well played.

Thank you for allowing me my history/literary dork moment…and a Happy Bastille Day (again)!

The New York Times: Harper Lee’s ‘Go Set a Watchman’

MSNBC: 8 things to know about Bastille Day

Buzzfeed: 14 Perfect French Words And Phrases We Need In English

…bi-daily smile…

Well, this looks amazing: