Charlie Talks About 100 Little Words on Parenthood

Posted on the 08 March 2013 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27

Way back in October, Charlie asked if I would mind contributing to her new project. It was a book on parenting where everyone who contributes has only 100 to offer a tip. 
I'm a bit of an editing geek so was very chuffed with myself that I managed to get the wordcount bang on first time.  Now Charlie's creation is on sale and - as well as my offering - there are lots of other warm and wise 100-word nuggets to dip into when you need.  Now Charlie has popped in to the Palace of Bundance to answer a few questions

Charlie with husband Dave and son Cole

Tell us a bit about you please? I’m happy-go-lucky, creative, loving, loyal and sensitive. I am married to my wonderful soul-mate Dave and mom to our gorgeous little angel Cole who is 4 ½.
I have written and published books about the milestone moments in my life including getting married in The True Diary of Bride-to-be. I then charted my pregnancy in The True Diary of a Mum-to-be a pregnancy companion and the first magical year of motherhood in The True Diary of Baby’s First Year a mothering companion.
My latest book is called 100 Little Words on Parenthood.
Where did you get the idea for 100 words? I was working on a sequel to The True Diary of Baby’s First Year called The Toddler Files and as I started writing about all the exciting and new things my little boy was learning every day I pondered on whether it would be possible to condense all these anecdotes.  At the time I was a twitter newbie and had just got my head around the concept of getting what I needed to say across in just a few words.
Why 100? As I was thinking about this new book the lyrics ‘100 ways to say I love you’ popped into my head  I liked the sound of 100 Little Words on Parenthood and my contributors have amazed me at the depth of emotion, humor and advice they have managed to squeeze into just 100 words.
Which is your favorite one? Oh I really couldn’t choose just one as that would make me feel like I was favouring one writer over another and I love absolutely every single one of the entries in the book.
Some of them make me smile, others laugh aloud and there are some so beautiful I have shed a tear or two. I would like to share your amazing 100 words on Parenting as I think your readers, especially the parents amongst them, will totally relate to your words.
As soon as the test turns blue, you give the world the green light to run your life. Everyone from your grandmother to the government will know best - after a while your head will spin and you wonder how you ever achieved anything. Congratulations, you are now a proper parent destined to feel guilty and inadequate whatever you choose. Here’s the solution: Ignore it all and know that if you cuddle and read to your child, laugh with them and jump in puddles you are good enough - and none of the rest really matters in the long run.
Was there anything surprising that you learned in the process of doing the book? I learned lots! That I love working with other writers, that I’m actually a lot more organised than I give myself credit for and as a parent I have learned that there are lots of other parents out there experiencing the same things I am and the book has given me a real sense of connection with them, we may parent differently but we are all doing the very best that we can for our own families. I feel like I have gained 100 new friends!
What's next for you? Well I still need to finish The Toddler Files and I have a couple of other books on the go, a theatrical memoir I’m really excited about and a book about smell. I also have a couple of ideas for fictional novels I may just have to make a start on soon.
For more details of all my books and to follow my blog visit
Thanks Charlie, and good luck with this book... and the ones in the future.