Chasing Joy's Word for 2016: Surrender

Posted on the 04 January 2016 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Chasing Joy's Word for 2016: Surrender It is a new year Joy Chasers, 2016!  This is a time of reflection for many of us.  I'm no different.  I am thinking about this year, how I'd like it to be better than the last couple of years, what growth I'd like to see in the Chasing Joy Brand, what changes I'd like to see in my social life, how I'd like to see my family grow (Baby Please!), etc, etc, etc...
This year I am trying to have a different mindset.  I am entering into 2016 without expectation, with openness, and with hope.  Basically I am starting 2016 with a spirit of surrender.  Surrender!  That is my word for this year.  Surrender!
What do I  mean by surrender?  One of the definitions of surrender is to give the control or use of (something) to someone else.  That is what I mean by surrender.  I am entering this year making every effort to let go of my natural tendencies to to try and control things.  I am accepting that much of what I would love to see happen in 2016 is completely out of my hands.  If I find love, if I get pregnant on my own, my mom's health, my health, how things go at work, how much you all love Chasing Joy, etc... are all out of my control.  I know there are things I can do or not do that make things more or less likely to happen but ultimately there are very few if any sure things in life.  So, I surrender.  These things are ultimately in God's hands and I have to trust Him to work it out.
Now I am still going to focus on some things this year. I am going to do what I can to be in a position for good things to happen.  I am going to be setting some SMART goals this year but I am going to think about them a bit more first.  In the mean time, I'm all about not creating expectations, being open to blessings, being optimistic, and surrendering.
My word for 2016 is Surrender.
Do you have a word or theme for this year?  If you could sum up your desires or thoughts for 2016 into one word what would it be?