Cheap, Effective Alternatives to Store Bought Cosmetics and Skin Care Products (Part 1)

Posted on the 01 February 2012 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

Cheap, Effective Alternatives to Store Bought Cosmetics and Skin Care Products (Part 1)

***UPDATE*** I thought I should add, the best way to use olive oil is to wash with it at night and then just splash some water on your face in the morning. Having that little bit of olive oil on your skin tricks your pores into producing less oil during the day. In addition, makeup goes on a lot better when your skin isn’t dehydrated by soap.

The cosmetics industry freaks me out. I don’t like the idea of chemicals touching my face, never mind the faces of adorable little animals. This blog is named after one of them, after all. But, I also like to wear makeup and smell nice. Over the past few years, I’ve weeded out products that are tested on animals as well as products with harsh chemicals and I’ve found substitutes that work equally as well and don’t cost any more than regular, drug store products.

Face Products and Moisturizers

The beauty industry would have you believe that “tingly” means clean. That tingly feeling is actually your skin being irritated by abrasive chemicals. The more gentle you are to your face, the better your skin will be. Stay clear of harsh exfoliants and cleansers and give these products a try:

Olive Oil: A huge bottle costs less than $10 at a grocery store. It’s all natural and a source of nutritious Omega fatty acids. It also has the same PH balance as human skin and it’s full of antioxidants. I use olive oil as a makeup remover, cleanser, toner and moisturizer. It may seem counter-intuitive to wash your face with oil, but it works on the principle of “like attracts like.” The olive oil attracts and absorbs dirt, oil and makeup while moisturizing your skin. There isn’t a better makeup remover on the market.

Rub olive oil into your skin in a circular motion. Put a warm washcloth over your face for a minute or two, so that your pores open up. Then, gently wipe off the olive oil with the cloth (this exfoliates your skin.) Your face will still feel a bit oily, even after you wipe off all the olive oil but that’s ok. Because it has the same PH balance as your skin, the olive oil acts as a toner as well. Once you step out of the shower and your face is dry, the oily feeling goes away and your skin looks more even, clear and hydrated.

I had my doubts when I first read about this, but olive oil is seriously MAGICAL. You can throw away your makeup remover, cleanser, moisturizer, toner, exfoliator and anti-aging cream and replace them with a single $10 bottle of olive oil. Pretty fantastic. If you don’t have amazing results, try using jojoba oil instead. It’s a lighter oil that is good for sensitive skin but has all the same properties and benefits as olive oil.

Coconut Oil: Purchase raw, unprocessed coconut oil for about $12 – $20, depending on the size of the jar. Coconut oil is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antiviral. Like olive oil, it also has antioxidants. Coconut oil is an ingredient in almost every moisturizer you find on store shelves.

Coconut oil is solid-ish when in the jar, but becomes liquid when heated. Heat in a double boiler on a stovetop for maximum benefits. Microwaves mess with the molecular structure of food and leech nutrients out (other cooking methods do this as well, but microwaves cause the most damage.)

Use coconut oil as conditioner, moisturizer, sunscreen, antibacterial cream, lip balm, hair de-frizzer and massage oil. Coconut oil heals stretch marks, bruises, scrapes, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. Apparently you can even use it as deodorant (I haven’t tried it.) Coconut oil also has anti-aging properties, due to its antioxidants.

Bottom Line

Any product that boasts about its healing, moisturizing or natural ingredients likely has olive or coconut oil in it. Unfortunately, these brand name products also have a bunch of chemicals in them that are bad for the planet and tested on defenseless animals. Why not skip all the chemicals and go straight to the source? Save money, improve your health and cut down the number of bottles crowding your bathroom shelf. You can also use both oils for cooking and get double the health benefits.

I wouldn’t write about it if I didn’t believe in it.

Stay tuned for Part 2 (homemade lip balm, cruelty free cosmetics, bath products and natural fragrances)

What products do you use? Have you seen results with all-natural products? What are your beauty tricks? Comment below!