…Check It Twice

Posted on the 23 December 2017 by Zer @the2women

Happy Christmas Eve Eve! Extreme procrastinators, today is your day. Go out there and do what you do best, buy whatever is left. Insane procrastinators, you’re on deck.

To the rest of you, hopefully today is as stress free as it can be. Just remember, you’ll get everything done that needs to be. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, it’s going to be fine.

Remember to actually enjoy the holiday. You know, the reason you’ve been stressing out for the past month. That being said, I know there are still things to do, so I’ll let you get to it.

Before you get back to checking off that list, here’s a few reminders of the joy of the season…

First, some new Christmas magic…

Now, some classic…

And for the rest of us…

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