Chickenpox Misery

Posted on the 22 May 2013 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

PicMonkey Collage5 Chickenpox Misery

Tonight I am sat in the bath, the first bath I’ve had in peace in a month. Four weeks ago my son got chicken pox. What started as a few spots quickly escalated into a living nightmare. His whole body was covered.

He was sore, itchy and crying a lot.

Then then the other four of my kids caught it. My 11,10,5,2  and year old all have chickenpox.

There are lots of spots and lots of misery.

Calomine cream was smothered onto anything that moved, drinks were flowing as were tears and washing, endless washing of towels for the four thousand showers a day they all had.

The first outbreak became infected so antibiotic and pain medication were prescribed as well as endless DVDs and mummI am sore, Muuuuummmmm I want…

I have been looking after five kids on my own for a month and as they all went back school this week my joy was unconfined, it was just my two year old and I who was missing his routine.

Then I find out the kids are off next week for two weeks.


But my partner says look on the bright side, if they get measles or the plague then you know you can do it.

I hit him hard and he’s yet to work out why.

Love Shell x