Chili is Chili

Posted on the 03 January 2014 by Sonica Jackson @sonicajackson

Welp,  I see that the year 2014 is gonna be that year where people are gonna lose their minds over EVERYTHING. It seems that Rozonda “Chili” Thomas, member of the group TLC, got stung by the bees in the “Beyhive” when she retweeted a list of forbidden phrases for 2014 and number 5 referenced r&b artist, Beyonce’. Immediately after Chili made the tweet, fans of Beyoncé loaded Chili’s Twitter page with obscene, hateful, and disrespectful comments that were so massive that Chili decided to delete the post.

Now although Beyoncé’s is one of my upmost favorite music artist and she always will be, I’m not gonna piss a ball of fire if someone makes a harmless joke about her. As a matter of fact, I’m not gonna go on a killing spree if someone doesn’t like her. And why? Because people are entitled to feel however they want to feel about anybody. So with that being said, I truly think that the Beyoncé’s fans that had something ridiculous to say to Chili needs to really calm down and get a grip on life. It’s not that serious.

Chili did say that she loves Beyoncé and that she was only talking about ‘sayings’ that needed to be forbidden to say in 2014. Whether it’s good or bad, it is HER opinion and she’s entitled to it. So therefore, it’s not necessary to bully her. The speaking-up-for-Beyoncé-at-every-turn is truly getting out of hand and needs to be taken under control. Do you speak up this hard against lowering the unemployment rate than you do Beyoncé’? Although I love Beyoncé and so does Chili, you need to understand that some people don’t love or like her and THAT IS THEIR RIGHT. Who are we to scold them and try to force them to feel otherwise?

For all of the crazed Beyoncé’ fans, stans, beyhive, or whatever it is that you call yourself, find something else better to do and quit jumping down Chili’s throat over something that is so small. I’m pretty sure that none of you are getting paid to act a fool and be disrespectful on behalf of Queen B.  And if I were some of you, I would be very careful as to what I put on social media because now that this incident has went public and everyone can see the names and faces of those that gave Chili a verbal lashing, you never know if your boss at work got wind of it and decides to terminate you because of your conduct. But hey, if that happens, maybe you can ask Beyoncé’ for a job.

Anyway, my point is this: Although Beyoncé is the top music artist out there, she is NOT God. When it gets to a point where we will worship her more than we will worship THE ONE THAT GAVE US LIFE, then we have a problem. In fact, just the thought of you guys actually worshipping her like she’s The Almighty One is insane. She’s one of my favorite artist but she’s not the reason that I breath. When I’m facing difficult times and need guidance, I don’t fall on my knees and pray to her during my darkest hour. She didn’t make heaven and earth and she can’t give sight to the blind. And I’m pretty sure that if you was to ask her, she’ll tell you that if it wasn’t for God, she wouldn’t be where she is today. You can best believe that she recognizes that God is God and that she is nothing without Him.  So in other words, it’s okay to be a FAN of Beyoncé’ but it’s not okay to be a WORSHIPPER of Beyoncé’. She farts just like everybody else.

My point is this: stop dissing Chili over something as small as this. Enough is enough. If Beyoncé is not even paying it any attention, why are you?  Spend more of your time working on things that are constructive versus who said what about Beyoncé’. It’s negative and wasted energy. Believe me, I’m pretty that Beyoncé has dealt with things that were a lot worst and she was able to persevere throughout all of it. So breathe, count to ten, and not take things so seriously.
