Chill Pill

Posted on the 09 August 2014 by Shangi @lifefruitbasket
I'm pretty sure everyone's been there. Sleepless nights and weariness, with only the sound of the P.A. system blasting across the hospital rooms and hallways to keep you company. I know I said on the blog's Facebook wall that I'll be M.I.A. for awhile but I couldn't resist to sneak in a little Chill Pill in between taking naps in the hospital. It's all that my brain can muster right now so bear with me as I take a quick hiatus from the blogosphere.
I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding, as you all know that I always like to share my own personal thoughts and experiences in this blog but I cannot expound more on this part of my personal life since it involves the privacy of those who are dearest to me.
For now, here's a list of what I've been listening to, to drown out the beeping and humming of machines and Code Grey's.
