Posted on the 01 January 2012 by Courtyb34
I've been so busy! The Holiday seasons has been so hectic, and now that were heading to the end, I am getting busier with school stuff I have to get done. It's not much, but it's some and I just want it to be done with. Christmas was so good this year! My family and I really enjoyed it. It wasn't stressful when we were there, there was no yelling or little fights. It was lovely. For me, it was a little stressful before Christmas because I was baking so much. I was baking for gifts, baking for desserts to bring to parties and the get-togethers. I didn't have time to take pictures of the gifts, but I made two different kinds of cookies. I made Peanut butter cookies and snowball cookies. Everybody loved them! It made me happy. Also for a little 'appetizer', I made a Christmas mix, with chocolate covered pretzels that I chocolate coated myself; cinnamon Chex; M&M's; and Christmas candy corn. It wasn't as big of a it as the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheese Cake I made. That was a big hit. I wanted to take more pictures during Christmas, but it was so hectic and so busy! Our family traditions have been going on for years and years. On Christmas Eve, we go over to my Grandpa Kirby's house and spend time with my mom's side of the family, opening gifts and eating a small dinner. Then, on Christmas Day, we go over to my Grandma and Grandpa Biggs's house and open gifts and spend time with my dad's side of the family. It was a wonderful Christmas! A new tradition popped up last year. We went to walk around Northwest Portland, around the Pearl District and shop at the little boutiques, take a look at how they decorated for Christmas and of course stop in at Moonstruck Chocolate
cafe. This cute, little chocolate cafe has the yummiest chocolate truffles and I also discovered for myself that their dark chocolate mocha is AMAZING. Last year, we went there and stopped by, and I bought my family truffles. This year, I didn't do that because I baked them cookies, so I just bought myself a macaroon and a dark chocolate mocha. It was a wonderful treat! These are my treats. Last time we went, when I bought a bunch of truffles, I got a bunch of stuff for free! But this time, I didn't buy as many things, so no free stuff :( But it was all good anyway. I got a Dark Chocolate mocha and the Coffee macaroon.
We drove around the pretty neighborhoods with the big, old homes and viewed the Christmas lights. Didn't drive down Peacock Lane because it was too early and the lights wouldn't even be on. I love driving down Peacock Lane though, it's such a treat when all the the lights on the homes are lit up. Such a fun attraction at Christmastime. After that, we went to my Grandpa Kirby's house to open gifts and eat dinner and hang out. It was time to unveil my Christmas mix, since it was new to me and everybody else. I was excited about it. It was the first year that I actually contributed to the appetizers and actually giving away gifts to not just my mom, dad and sister, BUT EVERYBODY. I was really excited!
Isabelle and Raelyn were so skwirmy that it was hard to get good pictures of them. They looked so cute in their Christmas dresses and Isabelle got cowboy boots just like I did, but from her grandparents. I got my boots from my grandparents.This would be a wonderful picture of Isabelle if my water bottle and the chair were out of the way, and as cute and as adorable as Raelyn is... it also would have been a perfect picture if she didn't crawl into it. But it's still very cute! And guess what... the presents go beyond the picture. Haha. There was a LOT.After we opened presents, we just hung out and talked for a little bit. This year, we wanted to look at old slides, so my Grandpa Williams got out the old slides and I saw pictures of my mom when she was first born, and of my grandparents on trips, and of my great grandparents on trips. It was a lot of fun and even though the pictures weren't in order, that was half the fun. We went from Hawaii to Bermuda, to my grandparent's apartment in San Diego when my grandpa was in the Navy and when my mom was first born. And then to my Aunt being born to the death trap swings and cribs and horrible couches. It was a very fun night! The next morning, we got to relax and open presents from mom and dad. My present has not come yet. I get it in January because we ordered Eco Emi for my Christmas gift. It's a monthly thing, where you get a package of organic gifts! You get like 8 to 10 things in a box each time or 3 big things. It's really cool and it only costs $15 a month. I believe I have mentioned it before on my blog. That was part of my Christmas present. We also got three movies that we have been wanting to add to our collection and then DOUGHNUT MOLDS! It was a nice Christmas morning. Dad made breakfast, we watched two of the movies and it was nice. Most Christmas mornings, we don't get to spend much time just by ourselves because we have to be over at my Grandma Biggs's around 11 or 10. This time we had to be there by 3, and it was very nice. I liked it. I got a lot of baking stuff for Christmas, like my aunt Shawna (my mom's sister) gave me a Cakepop maker from Babycakes.At Grandma and Grandpa Biggs's house, we had a wonderful dinner and a very nice time opening gifts. In our stockings from 'Santa', I got cute, mini cupcake liners and I can always use those. I got lots more in my stocking, like candy and girly things like bath gel and lotion and candy and stuff. From my Uncle Randy and Future Aunt Aimee, I got a really nice Columbia jacket. It's very cute and a lovely barley color. Also from them, I got Orange Zest fragrance of Energy from Bath and Body Work's collection: Aromatherapy. From Grandma and Grandpa Biggs, I got tons of cupcake stuff. I am really excited to try my new piping bags to decorate cupcakes! I got another mini cupcake pan because I am always in need of more cupcakes. I got a cute decorating set, full of Christmas cupcake liners and decorations. Probably going to wait till next Christmas to use them, but I'm glad I have them! Elegant cupcake holders from Martha Stewart's baking collection. I'm really excited to try out everything, especially my piping bags! Maybe my cupcakes can look professional now. :) After gifts, we played a game that Uncle Randy and Aimee brought over. It's called Banangrams! We had such a fun time playing it, that my dad went out and bought the game! We have been playing it A LOT since Christmas. It's a very fun game! Easy to store, easy to travel with, you can play it on the plane, but probably not in the car. It's a very fun game.
Christmas was a very fun holiday this year. It was peaceful and I got everything I wanted. But that's not what it's about, Christmas has a meaning in itself. Christ Jesus came into the world. He is the greatest gift. I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and sorry that I was a little late on blogging about Christmas, but I have been so busy! Merry late Christmas!