Christmas in Coburg, Part 1 - Christmas Eve's Eve and Christmas Eve
Posted on the 29 December 2015 by Rodeomurrays4
It was an amazing Christmas, and different from any Christmas the little B's have ever experienced. For once, we had FAMILY with us! They have always wanted to have a Christmas with family other than just us, and for the first time ever, we did! And so in order to accommodate our company, we mixed some of our traditions with a new schedule. Thus, we opened the our traditional pajamas and ornaments on the Eve of Christmas Eve. And then, when we woke up on Christmas Eve, we opened our gifts. Basically, we just moved some things up a day and others back a day. It was perfect! Above, as you can see, Star Wars pj's for Britt and of course Ali Dee Collection for Brailey. We started our Christmas Eve morning with a delicious cup of hot chocolate. It was wonderful that the kiddos are finally old enough not to just tear through the gifts first thing. This year, we were able to really enjoy the experience. Not that we haven't in the past, but it was nice to see the growth and maturity that has come with their ages. Below, Brailey always gets Britt a nutcracker. He loves nutcrackers! His collection is getting to be quite extensive and, frankly, adorable. It usually takes Brailey quite a long time to decide on the perfect one, and this year was no exception. She did well - it was a hit! Below, the new photographer in the family. A basketball for the driveway that can take being eaten up by the blacktop... Britt was thrilled! Self-explanatory, I think. So cute! Brailey was desperate for a new helmet, as she loathes the one we have been making her wear. This one is low profile and light. She loves it! Our very own Macho Man Murray! A little Macho Man Randy Savage and a little John Cena. That's right - you have to EARN IT! And two of their favorite gifts, Brailey has barely set these pom poms down. She absolutely loves them! And Britt was so thrilled to get this jersey - he is doing the Odell one-handed catch pose. It was a fantastic Christmas. We are spoiled rotten, but we are grateful to our toes. After we opened everything, we hit the Coburg Truck Stop for a delicious breakfast, and then we came back and picked everything up, cleaned a few things that needed last minute touches, and anxiously awaited our family coming from Harney County to arrive. Stay turned for that blog post next - you won't want to miss it!