I love to people watch – and without being creepy, I love to catch snippets of conversations.
Those words from someone else’s world that you overhear as you pass by, out of context and in isolation, making your ears prick up and your mouth smile. Or not – depending on what’s being said.
I like to swirl them around in my head and try to construct the story into which they fit.
Here are some of my favourites from last week’s Manchester Christmas markets.

Emerging from the portaloos I overheard two women waiting in the queue.
“Well of course she put morphine in his food. That’s what killed him!”
Holy shit – had I just overheard a real crime confession? I stopped short and looked at them quizzically.
Noticing my reaction they quickly added “Eastenders love.”
“Thank the lord for that,” I replied, hurrying off to relocate my hot wine and bratwurst! As I crossed the road towards the Town Hall, a group of people hurried past me in the opposite direction.
“My ID says I’m 21 so I should be fine.”“I might just get four cans of Special Brew.”
Oh the joys of underage drinking and being 16 again!
I popped into the supermarket to pick up a few bits and pieces, only to come across a couple having a blazing row – about whether to buy straight or crinkle cut chips. It was clearly a life or death situation.
Oh if only life were so simple.
Finally I ended up in the pub. As I walked past the bar, a group of men were listening, captivated by a beautiful woman who was talking animatedly.
“It’s incredible isn’t it just how much bigger cheese is once you’ve grated it.”
I like to believe that she made this comment in the context of making a perfect fondue, or maybe a quiche.
But a big part of me thinks that she was just talking about cheese.