Posted on the 29 December 2010 by Kristineduffey
I love to get books and movies for Christmas. This year was no exception. But I love all of my other gifts, too.One year for Christmas my mother got me the entire L.M. Montgomery collection in paperbacks. I was able to read for quite a while with those. While my mother doesn’t read fiction she has always supported my reading choices. Most years she gives me books for Christmas and for my birthday. This Christmas she did not give me any books but she gave me a beautiful reupholstered reading chair. David gave me the Chop Wizard, the set of dishes I’ve been hinting about and an autographed postcard of David Tenant and Catherine Tate (Doctor Who and Donna) along with a special series of commemorative stamps from Doctor Who. Mom gave me the awesome chair, very nice sheets, clothes, and the 4th season of Doctor Who. There were lots of other wonderful presents from my family and I’ve been working all through my vacation to get them put up. Today I’m having lunch with my mom and my maid of honor to talk about wedding plans. The wedding is just 5 months away. There’s a lot to do. Wish me luck!KDHere is a before and after picture of the chair!Before After