Cibophobia and Safe Food List

Posted on the 24 April 2013 by Gray Eyed Athena @grayeyedowl

I’m starting to be plagued by fear that the calorie contents in my app for food tracking or on the food labels themselves aren’t accurate.  What if the manufacturer under-budgeted the calories?  It’s starting to nag me.  Restricting is a way of life for me now and I absolutely despise the eating until full feeling… it’s become synonymous with scary thoughts and gross images and nausea.  My way is so much safer.

I love making lists, and thinking about this list of my safe foods makes me feel instantly calmer and more grounded.

Hardboiled eggs, cheese sticks, chicken breast, shrimp, avocado, cherry tomatoes, mangoes, apples, oranges, carrots, alfalfa sprouts, baby spinach, baby romaine, rice noodles, bean curd noodles, fresh spring rolls, thai vegetable soup, mushrooms, rice crackers, seaweed snacks, sushi, chipotle salads, tuna fish, salmon, popcorn, tea, water, bulletproof coffee, vitamins and lots of spices.

See?  Better already.