Circle Lens from Give-away

Posted on the 08 August 2013 by Ileodarod @ilevillegas
I made a few changes on my blog. And to celebrate it, here's a little give-away for all the ulzzang and gyaru, cosplayer(and anybody else who's interested) out there.

Prize:ANY pair of circle lens at or without prescription). 
Here are a few to choose from:Grang grang circle series brown
Mimi flower circle lens blue
Angel Series Contact Lenses grey
and here's a really weird and costume-y one for those who wants to really go for that gyaru look.
Crystal Series Contact Lenses - Pink
Just head over to their site to look for any pair that you like!
The package I got from them the last time contained all of these:
So the prize is more or less the same (except you get to choose the circle lenses you want of course).
Why LensCircle?Plenty of reasons. You can read my full review about their site here.But I think what most would be interested to know is that LensCircle have their certificate of authenticity from Geo Medical.Also they ship from US/Canada to mostly anywhere in the world, and they ship really fast.
That said, this give-away is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY.
There's only one mandatory requirement:
Like lenscircle on facebook
This way, anyone can join! You don't even have to be a blogger.
And there are a few optional requirements that you can see on the rafflecopter below for additional entries.
(wait for the rafflecopter to load)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The give-away will run for 30 days.
To know more about this give-away's sponsor, visit
Additional rules for those below 18 years old. You need consent from your parents if ever you do win.