Claim Your Free Huggies Wipes & Win Big!

Posted on the 20 May 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Today I want to share with you an exciting bit of news - we're going to be working closely with the fabulous Huggies Wipes team as ambassadors for the coming months!  We're so excited to be working with Huggies and alongside the other lovely Huggies Wipes ambassadors - The Mummy Adventure, My Mills Baby, Mothers Always Right, MamaMim, Love From Mummy, Confessions of a Crummy Mummy, Cat's Yellow Days & A Baby on Board and are really excited about some fun days that have been planned!  This means that there will plenty of opportunities to fill you lovely people in on the latest additions to the fantastic Huggies wipes range as well as get you involved in the fun campaigns they have in the pipelines! Infact, I have one to tell you about right now!
If, like me, you have a house overtaken with tearaway toddlers and bubble-blowing babies - you probably go through a lot of baby wipes! To demonstrate ...

Infact if you're anything like me you probably wonder how you ever survived life without them - just last week on a rare childfree evening out, I found myself fumbling around in my bag for wipes on more than one occasion and feeling pretty flumoxed as to what to do when I realised I didn't have any with me! They just become something you rely on, don't they?! If you're the same, then I bet you wouldn't say no to a free packet of Huggies Wipes right?! Well what if I told you that not only can you get a free pack of Wipes, but you can also use them to enter a competition where you could win one of 3 amazing prizes - A years supply of Huggies Wipes, a Disney Hamper or £500 Asda vouchers! 1.  Spot a messy situation and take a photo – anything from spaghetti splatters to ice cream capers! 2.  Grab the wipes and get cleaning! 3.  Upload your photos for a chance to win! Simple, right?! To claim your free Huggies Wipes Challenge Pack, just click HERE If you enjoy my blog, please consider following me on Bloglovin'