A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential for everyone, especially children, as they are still developing. Kids multivitamin gummies are also a great way to supply needed vitamins for growth and development. As children are more active, particularly in the summer, it is also essential to provide snacks.
Healthy Ingredients for Summer Snacks
Summer is the time to incorporate delicious fresh organic fruits and other seasonal foods as nutritious ingredients for children's snacks. It is crucial to eat different-colored foods and a variety of different fuel sources. Here are some healthy ingredients you can include in your children's snacks this summer.
It is essential to include a variety of fruits as they all contain different nutrients. Opt for fresh fruit that is whole or sliced rather than made into juice. Here are some popular summer fruits.
• Bananas
• Berries
• Grapes
• Kiwis
• Melons
• Pineapples
Choose different types and colors of vegetables for variety and essential vitamins. Think green and leafy, but also orange and yellow. Avoid too many starchy vegetables. Here are some veggies that might be a hit.
• Carrots
• Celery
• Corn
• Cucumbers
• Sugar snap peas
• Tomatoes
If you have difficulty finding vegetables your children like, try taking them to the store or a farmer's market to choose one for themselves. Let them help wash and prepare the food for their snack. They will be more likely to try new foods that way and might even find that they enjoy it!
Add some type of protein to every meal and snack. If your child does not like meat, choose a different kind of protein.
• Beans
• Cheese
• Eggs
• Lean meats
• Nuts
• Peanut butter
Choose whole grains whenever possible. Children and adults do not usually get enough in their diets. Whole grains are a great source of B vitamins and fiber.
• Brown rice
• Oat cereal
• Popcorn
• Whole grain bread
It is essential to include healthy fats in your snacks. In addition to peanut butter and nuts, here are some additional options.
• Avocadoes
• Chia seeds
• Olive oil
• Olives
Remember, when choosing ingredients, check the label to ensure there are no preservatives. The chemicals used to make the food last longer can have adverse effects. Choose certified organic whenever possible to avoid things like sorbic acid side effects.
Quick Summer Snack Recipes
Summer is a busy time of year, so putting together a quick snack is helpful. Here are a few recipes incorporating some of the ingredients mentioned.
• Frozen grapes: Put some grapes in the freezer. Once they are frozen, place them in sealable plastic bags. Store in the freezer.
• Fruit kebobs: Put different fruit on a stick. Serve with yogurt as a dip.
• Snack trays: Choose different foods and place them in divided dishes. Try to include a protein, fat and vegetable or a protein, fat and fruit. Add in a whole grain as desired. An example is boiled egg, nuts and grape tomatoes. Involve your children in summer snack preparation, and incorporate Wellements baby and children's products to keep them healthy!
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