Close up on a Classic (‘Life’s a Journey’ Nostalgia Link-Up, Week 69)

Posted on the 25 June 2013 by Saveeverystep @saveeverystep

Welcome to year two of our weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).

I am sitting with YouTube open and my teenage son is asking me what I’m watching. I tell him it’s a really old TV show that I used to watch as a kid. He’s laughing at its naff-ness, understandably. He has just shared a ‘good song’ with me which, ironically, turns out to be ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’ by The Buggles. He is 13. I was 12 when that single was released. Cor blimey.

I still find the ‘Lonely Man’ theme music incredibly moving, somehow. A bit like watching the Littlest Hobo or Little House on the Prairie…the sentiment of something that you grew up loving never really leaves you somehow.

My brother and I watched this show avidly.We revelled in that green body paint and trouser-ripping. Never lost his knickers though. Strange that. Gotta love a stretch fabric.

I was a tiny bit in love with Bill Bixby who ripped out my heart every week as he moved to a new town to start afresh. Bill Bixby sadly died from cancer in the early 90s, but ex Mr Universe Lou Ferrigno is still going strong as far as I can tell, in spite of his atrocious anger management issues.

There must be a TV show whose nostalgia you swoon for? What have they re-made over the years that just can’t quite cut it in comparison to the original as far as you’re concerned? Is there a child singing theme tunes in your ear that take you back 30 years? Join in the Linky or just leave a comment. Your memories are my bread and butter.