Clothes Buffet Manila – A Shop-All-You-Can Experience!

Posted on the 04 August 2014 by Genzelkisses

About two weeks ago, I was invited for the much awaited event this year that every girl should really feel excited about! A shop all you can experience, anyone? I can see your hands raise! I’m with you girls! Clothes Buffet Manila will have its first season this coming October 17 and 18! Hoorrrayyy! I filmed a video for you guys to explain further about Clothes Buffet Manila, show you my haul, and give you some tips to make the best out of it!

Thumbs up and Subscribe for more videos! TIA ^_^

Clothes Buffet Manila – A Shop-All-You-Can Experience!

Clothes Buffet Manila Preview at The 5th Taste, QC

Clothes Buffet Manila – A Shop-All-You-Can Experience!

I was one of the lucky bloggers who were invited to experience this craze first time!

Clothes Buffet Manila – A Shop-All-You-Can Experience!

I explained more about this on the video above so don’t forget to watch it! ^_^

Grab all you can for 15 minutes from the 30,000 pcs. of branded clothes! Oh my!

The size of the bag is very spacious. You might think “Oh it’s too small” but believe me guys, you can put a lot in there. There are two kinds of shoppers, Quality and Quantity. If you value more the Quality, you most likely get just a few but really quality clothes like leather jacket, dress, jeans etc. How much is a leather jacket right? A piece would cost more than of your one time payment.  For Quantity shoppers, you aim to get more items you can no matter what it is.

Now let’s begin the shopping experience! I was on the 2nd wave so I got to take photos of the ones who were in the first wave.

 Grab anything you want and it’s yours! Simple as that.

This is my Clothes Buffet Manila shopping bag! ^_^

During the preview, clothes are classified into Festival Madness, Girl’s Night Out, and Smart Chic. I think they will also follow this on the main event plus will segregate more of the clothes like tank tops, jeans, and so on. You might think ,oh the number of clothes are so limited!. Yes because we were just in a restaurant. For the actual event, the area is really big and there will be 30,000 pieces of clothes to choose from.

15 minutes starts now!

After just more than 10 minutes, the girls were done shopping and now doing their best to put everything in their bags.

Tips on how to fold and and maximize the space of your bag is shown in my video.

There’s a validation area guys so please don’t tamper or damage your bag. There will be a corresponding penalty for that. Don’t worry, the zip lock bag is really sturdy. None of us had a problem with it. Sealing your bag can be a bit of a challenge but you can ask a staff for help.

 With the awesome people behind Clothes Buffet Manila!
(Tasha Reyes, Katrina Lacap, Mark Huang, Faye Lacap, and Zia Co)

Overall, I super enjoyed the event. I missed the shop all you can experience last year at Forever 21, and I’m so happy to be part of this. One time payment is P1,999.00. Is it worth it? Okay, I’m definitely not being biased here but for me it’s a big YES. Where in this world can you get almost 15 pieces of brand new and branded clothes (international and local brands) for just 2k? I remember when I shopped at F21, I only got 4 clothes for my 2,000php and it was even a sale back then.

What are you waiting for guys? Book your slot now! I’m so excited for you! If you happen to book your slot after reading this, please do let me know in the comments below and I will be waiting for your thoughts and items you got after Season 1 of Clothes Buffet Manila!


What do you guys think about Clothes Buffet Manila? Are you joining?
You must!

Disclosure: Not sponsored.