Diaries Magazine

Coco Bunnies

Posted on the 11 July 2011 by Marensmorsels @marentweets

Good early morning friends! I woke up this morning at 6:19am. Welcome to the world of the employed, right?! No more college student sleeping in daily.



Don’t you like my unmade bed?

So… what’s on the breakfast menu?


Coco Bunnies!!! I found this cereal grocery shopping with my mom yesterday. They are so cute and mighty tasty, if I do say so myself.

I also found chocolate soy yogurt from Stonyfield.


This morning’s breakfast was my first ever soy yogurt attempt and I think I’m hooked. I really liked the rich flavor from the soy.


I put a handful coco bunnies in my chocolate soy yogurt… sinful, totally sinful.


I also had some black tea with soy milk. I would have used almond but the almond milk always gets a little weird in hot drinks.


With all this soy so early in the morning, I definitely got a jump on my protein today.


I also drank one of these DanActive probiotic drinks. I’d rather drink a little shot than eat a whole cup of yucky activia.


Today is going to be pretty busy.

  • 7:00-7:45am get ready for work
  • 7:45-8:00am make lunch
  • 8:30-3:30pm working at the children’s theater
  • 4:15-5:00pm jogging with Dorothy
  • 5:15-7:15pm open gym at the high school
  • 8:00pm The Bachelorette and my pj’s

The schedule looks a little more ominous when it’s actually listed like this…


A good luck flower for you Winking smile. Hope you have a great Monday.

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