Diaries Magazine

Coffee Date

Posted on the 02 April 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms
Oh Simple Thoughts
I love coffee.  I love conversations.  So when I was reading through Bloglovin' and came across Rachel's sweet post I KNEW I wanted to join in with her today.  Rachel is such a sweet woman with a heart for God.  If you don't know her and read her blog, then I encourage you to change that right now.  Seirously, I'm giving you full permission to leave my page and go do that.      So, for today's Coffee Date with Rachel, she told about how when someone first sits down for a real in person conversation, the words "how are you?" seem to be the most normal way to begin things.  But she was really honest in her post about how she truly feels and what is on her heart.   So, I wanted to share what is on MY heart today as well.  I would venture to say my heart is "full" today.  I have found myself in the middle of two wonderful families who support Brian and I and are always willing to lend a helping hand when we need it.   I have a great job that allows me to keep a roof over my head and food on the table.  I have a dependable car that gets me around to all my errands, ballgames, and various activies.  I could keep going on, but you see, my heart is full.   However, with that being said, my heart is never too full for God. He is our strength in times of weakness, our encouragement in times of sadness, and our biggest fan in times of victory.  God gives an everlasting love, an endless love, a meriful love.  He forgives the biggest sins.  He loves us when we don't choose to love ourselves.    There are so many times in my life when I've felt like I did the complete wrong thing and made the worst decision.  A few of those times, I was actually right, but that never stopped God from loving on me and accepting me back into his welcoming arms.    Lately, I've seen my life in a whole new light.  I see all the GOOD in my life and I'm focused on keeping everything more positive than ever before.  Negativity is everywhere in this world.  There's no real way to "escape it" but my keeping a positive attitude, I'm fighting away the Devil.      I'm trusting my God.  And I'm happy. 
Coffee Date

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