Color Blocked By The Boyfriend

Posted on the 02 November 2012 by Piaiamps

Hey guys! I'm sorry for being MIA for days, I've been having the time of my life!
I have a lot to share with you and I'm planning to post them here. It may take time though because I'm still processing my enrollment for the second semester. Yeah baby! Anyway.
First up on the list is my new nail color (K, this isn't much of a story but my boyfriend did the task so I don't care what you guys think haha)! Yesterday morning, Ambin visited me to have his nails cut. My boyfriend is such a baby he can't do anything without me. Or can't do anything and leaves it all to me because I'm awesome like that. I was taking a break from my daily morning house cleaning so I went with it. After endless argument of how his nails should be cut cutting his nails, he took the cutter and started trimming my already short nails.

Hello my ugly hair

Cutting my nails in the same shape as his

Gwapo mo teh! 

While my love was concentrating on making my nails look extremely short cute, I remembered Saab's color blocked nails post which I've been dying to try. Taking advantage of my boyfriend's sweetness, I ran upstairs and grabbed momee's cheap nail polish which she bought prolly a year ago. And then my love's first manicure lesson began!
Color block nail art is easy but it requires so much time and patience, especially for me because my manicurist was a starter. He practically had no idea what and how to do it and I had to shout at him when he couldn't follow my instructions. HAHAHA. But he's a fast learner and with a little more practice, Ambin could certainly be a good manicurist!
Here's what he did:
First, he painted all my nails with violet as the base tint.

Went inside because it's so hot at the porch

Ugly nail polish is ugly nail polish

After applying the base color, I let my nails dry for like 10 seconds haha. We didn't have so much time, you see.
Next, he taped the half of my nail for my second color. I let Ambin decide which colors to use and he picked violet and gold. But as soon as violet was painted on my nail, I told him I want the green instead which turned out to be a terrible mistake.

Pardon our economy tape

Important note: make sure that the base paint is really dry otherwise it will stick on the tape and ruin everything, like what happened to mine so we used paper on the succeeding nails haha.
Then he applied the second color on the half of my nails.

Don't forget to apply natural coating

And voila, my color blocked nails!

Ambin looking disappointed with his kalat kalat work :D

Check out my nails (and eyebags)

I searched for acetone to remove the kalat but found none. I didn't have to stress myself though because it fell off after I washed our dishes haha. And it was also later when I realized that my nails look like eggplant! Epic fail. Will have to buy new nail colors.
Until then, I'm gonna rock these nails done by the sweetest guy in the world! :)

Thank you, love!

For a better understanding of how this nail art is done, click here. 