Colour Blocking

Posted on the 19 October 2012 by Thandi @sassymissy

In the past few months, color blocking has become such a huge trend in SA ...every where I go, I see ladies and a few brave gents with super brightly coloured skirts, blazers, shoes,bags,nails,pants ...even hair ! Its just such a cool chic  trend ...makes the streets look like summer all day long :) . It is basically wearing outfits with bright bold colours that wouldnt normally work together but for some odd reason...they look ok. Well from my last post you would know I'm quite a fashionista myself! Soooo I did grab this amazing "colour blocked" dress and I'm just waiting for the perfect occasion to show it of!!!...hopefully not everyone turns up at the occasion looking all "colour blocked" like me seeing as its growing popularity.
Well I only have that one dress but there are some other items I really love and I'm saving to get (hopefully if Christmas presents don't finish my whole year savings)....So here they are ....BAMmmm
 A cool Blazer like this one!..i want :)

ahh Thats the type of dress i was talking about! I think i'll take a pic and upload mine for you to see :)
What else can i say?....ohh mennnn

That bright blue purse :)
and that purse and that skirt...(a girl can dream right?)
and finally..nails. but i'm so terrible with nail polish so i dont think i can ever achive this on my own even if i had the nail i said, a girl can dream :)
Le cool pants..a blue blue one!
What do you think ?....brave enough to try one or all of them? ...*Happy Saturday*