Come Here Often?

Posted on the 04 September 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
Good times, guys. Good times. 
Actually, busy times guys. Busy times. My time has been not with you and with other things, and truthfully, that makes me sad. But it changes today! The fall semester is in full swing and for higher education that means crazy hours, crazy students, and some crazy parents. So, I am back and ready for some blogging time. 
I cannot believe it is already September and that Labor Day has come and passed. Next up, Fall! Eeeek. I am so excited I could eat a whole pumpkin. Instead, I will just stick with the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Did you know that they're already on the menu at Starbucks? Yes! I may have two a day for the next 2 months. I may or may not gain 82 pounds. 
Speaking of weight, my 90 day challenge has seriously gone in the crapper. I know its discouraging for some of you who were jumping on that bandwagon. I am seriously upset about it too, but with a crazy schedule, it just was not realistic. I have been eating at home and definitely have cut back on the fast food and soda. As far as working out? Yeah, not so much. I just don't have the time. I know everyone says that, but I was pulling 11-14 hour days and commuting 2 hours a day as well. So my time was pretty limited. I do walk to the bathroom, does that count? After the move to Alabama in October, I will cut nearly the entire 2 hour commute time. I can wake up and work out or get home early enough in the evening to work out before dinner. I am super stoked and can't wait to share picture of our new place in a little over a month! For now, here are some pics of my long (read: too short) weekend. 

Driving to the country!

Love boat rides!

Family boat ride as sunset.

Boat babe

Yes, those are denim pocket coasters! oh and my guilty pleasures...

Watch dog.

 I hope you all had a great, long weekend! Interested in becoming a sponsor?  I have some Contributor ad spots available.  Head here to find out more!