Community Blogging

Posted on the 20 September 2020 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

There's a lot of ways to get involved with my tiny part of the blogging world. I wanted to share some of those upcoming events and challenges today.

I'm hoping you'll join me on some of these adventures, or at least stick around to cheer me and my friends on!

Here's hoping peace is finding you,


EVERY 22nd of EVERY month is Pepper Day, and you can participate simply by posting on that day, and tagging your post with PepperDay. And if you don't feel like writing, you can follow the tag in the reader and support us by reading, leaving comments, or even dropping a like:

And Blog Bingo is going to continue with a new logo, and new tag. I went ahead and made a board for October and November both- October is displayed below, but if you click here, you can peek November, too.

I made a November board in advance because November is National Blog Posting Month- commonly called- 'round these parts- NanoPoblano. Sign up is open already, but I'm sure I'll be reminding you again.

There are two ways we do NanoPoblano, and participation just means you're going to try one of these methods.

Everything else you choose to overlay- themes, other challenges (like blackout blogging)- is entirely up to you.