
Posted on the 26 August 2014 by Klnelms @klanelms

I've been blogging here at Mississippi Mrs. for awhile now.  I've shared things I really love and many exciting things in my life.  But I don't often speak of the "weak" things about myself, the things that really show my true self.

So, I figure it's time to open up a bit more.

+ I'm really shy when I first meet someone.  I'm much more of a listener than a talker.

+ I pin lots of things on Pinterest for being a "healthier" me, but in reality I'm lazy and don't know how to get started into this whole "working out" lifestyle.  Help.

+ I bite my fingernails, and have since I was 6.  

+ I have psoriasis.  On any given day, I may be seen "shaking off" my shoulders from the the scales.  It is on my elbows and my scalp.  It's not something I'm completely comfortable with yet, but that has definitely gotten better the older I have gotten. 

+ I'm OCD to a annoying limit.  Really.  Ask my husband.

+ I'm a chronic complainer when it comes to dining out.  If you don't re-fill my drink or ignore me then you should know I'm calling in on you.  And getting free gift cards. 

These are just a few of my "flaws."  What kind of things do you have that are weird tendencies?