How many hours a week do you spend writing/editing posts? Each week varies but I say at least 20! I love my blog and working on it
When is it easiest for you to blog? There isn't really an easy time, I blog as and when I feel like it.
What makes writing behind a computer comfortable for you? Its easy to write what I have to say and how I feel. I don't have anyone dictating to me how I should do things. Its literally just me and my laptop.
Whats your worst makeup/hair habit? I sometimes forget to remove makeup before I go to bed!
Whats the one quote that you wish the world would live by? 'Be the best person you can be'
How long do you spend getting ready everyday? Anything from 10 minutes to 1 hours it depends on what I'm doing that day.
Whats your favorite video on YouTube? I really love watching Vlogs.
Who is a blogger that you read who deserves more subscribers than they have? Mammafulzo she is a really good YouTuber and also has a lovely blog but only has 74 followers. She really does deserve more she is such an inspiration to me.
Whats the one thing your excited about in the upcoming year? Seeing my blog grow! Already in 2013 its grown a lot and i'm so excited to see what the future holds for 'lolly loves'
Whats the most awkward blogging moment? When I started blogging I constantly felt awkward and was worrying nobody would read my posts. Sometimes I would write one and then delete it. I'm a lot happier now with blogging than I was when I started.
How long does it take you to prep for a post? I test products for at least 2 weeks then I do the photo's for them and then write it and then sort out the layout. I would say at least an hour.
Are you wearing jeans/skirt right now or are you wear pj's or sweatpants? Neither of them. I'm actually wearing leggings.
What are you most proud of in your life? Coming 2nd in a trampolining competition when I was younger! I was so proud.