Confessions of a Single Woman: Stick to YOUR Plan!

Posted on the 28 August 2013 by Djrelat7 @djrelat7

The last couple of weeks have been interesting for Daniel and me. Every so often I have to check what we’re wearing to make sure we haven’t accidentally put on “Ask us when we’re getting married!” t-shirts. Nope, not wearing one. Everyone AND their mother must have gotten a letter in the mail, a text or a phone call to ask us what we’re waiting for. It’s the ONLY explanation I can come up with for this sudden influx of inquiry. Has this happened to you?

All couples are SUPER excited about their future together, and of course, they’re happy that their close friends and family share the same sentiment. If you’ve gotten married or started the planning of your wedding then you know there are many other factors that are involved than just saying I do. Like …

  1. Hopefully you’ve discussed getting married. Or else the friendly inquisition may have the opposite effect that people are expecting. If you haven’t thought of marriage, it might be the perfect time to think it over.
  2. Pinterest boards are a great way to see what kind of ring your love likes! You could ask them what kind of ring they’d like to receive but that takes out the excitement and surprise. The ring should be a symbol of your love and your promise of commitment.
  3.  I think we’re all in agreement that if we’re in a stable relationship with someone we want to create a family or share a future with that its OK to start planning. Actually it’s probably smart to start saving for your future, even if its not knocking on the door quite yet. Once the question is popped then you’re AHEAD of the game!
  4. Other obligations can come into play to push back your plans, like a higher education. Imagine trying to study for finals AND plan a wedding! I don’t even want to think about it! OR lingering debt from your higher education …If you’re thoughts lie with starting a future with your current love then start a financial game plan. When its time to become one with your finances, you’ll both be thankful.

All of us non-married people have our reasons for not tying the knot just yet. If you’re in a committed relationship and the above scenario is happening to you JUST remember to stick to your plan!

 What advice have you taken/given to keep calm when the village wants you married?

Until then,