Support and Connect: We need to connect with a support group in our community in case one of us falls on hard times. How strongly connected are you and your support group? How can you cultivate support and connections next year?
My community rose up to meet me in my days post melanoma surgery. I had more offers than I needed help, which is always a grand place to be. I am well practiced at asking for help. I enjoyed seeing my organizational skills pop into play and my carefully orchestrated ability to have phone trees set up and ways for my children to be assured when I was pretty much out of commission.
It was easier when they were little and all those pickups and drop offs involved walking to the front of the school, but as I have learned – these purposeful connections are just as vital – or perhaps more – the older our children get. The stakes are higher.
Community building is one of my strengths. I just need to remember to apply it in all situations, not just a chosen one or two. Once I wrote about BEING community.
I believe in this concept, that as we ARE community in ourselves, we invite community with others. This is who I want to be even moreso and intentionally in 2013.
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