
Posted on the 08 June 2013 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

A state of happiness and satisfaction.  Do you have that in your life?  I mean it.  Right now, take stock of what’s important to you, and see if you can find contentment.  If the answer is no, what’s holding you back?  I know what’s missing from my life, and it’s not really missing.  I can change it.  So I can be content.  I will be content.  Most people have problems living in the “now”.  I will give you an example.  I went to dinner with my family last night…it really was like the Olive Garden commercial as we were one big happy family.  My brother, his daughter, my parents, my husband and my girls.  I had everything I needed right there.  I was content.  Wine was flowing, the meal was great, and I love seeing my family.

The spell was broken later when my husband decided he needed to make a comment using what I call his “ass-hat voice”.  I am not ashamed to tell you this, because maybe you too suffer from a case of “ass-hat voice”.  You see, he was worried about something that might happen.  And he made him all angry and ridiculous sounding.  I told him that tomorrow would take care of itself and I wish he would have handled it differently.  What we fail to listen to time and time again is the thought of what we have the power to change and what is out of our control.  This might be a newsflash, but as of yet, we do NOT have the ability to control the weather.  That I know of.  Sometimes it is best to just wait, and that was my point.

So, the next time you are feeling content, and some random thought comes into your mind that you have no control of, push it away.  Think instead of what you have the power to control and what is trying to control you.  You will be able to grasp the feeling of contentment much better this way.

“Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.”  ~Grenville Kleiser