This post has been written for Theme Thursday, August 15th. And the theme of this week is “Inventions”.
In my opinion, most of the problems caused in the world today is primarily due to the fact that humans as a species rely a little too much on their emotions and on most occasions let their emotions overcome their logical abilities.
What I would therefore strive to invent would be a machine which would generate ultrasonic waves which would automatically calm our minds, calm our thoughts, and bring back our logical reasoning ability to the forefront of our thought processes. Whenever we feel angry, happy, sad, frustrated, emotional in any sense of the word, one button pushed on this machine would ensure that our brain waves are re-calibrated to suppress our emotions and bring forth only the positive ones (those also in moderation).
This would ensure that all decisions that we take would be purely logic based and would not in any form or fashion be affected by our emotions. While this would result in the dilution of appreciation of fine arts of any form such as painting, sculpture, cinema, music, etc as these rely on pure human emotion, I am sure that in the longer run, and for the greater benefit of the world at large, human emotions need to be brought in check.
While such ‘emotion control’ mechanisms already exist in the form of meditation, yoga, and other forms of discipline and exercise controlled methods, the fact remains that for most laymen, these remain very tough to understand, practice and master. And therein lies the beauty of the emotion control gadget. Simple, easy to use, and effective.
If you have read this post so far and seriously tried to understand what exactly I was trying to say, you probably are already in control of your emotions, given that you are not fuming and frothing at your mouth for having wasted your time