
Posted on the 18 May 2017 by Kaushikgov @kaushikgov

Conversations with strangers, acquaintances, friends, near-and-dear, oneself are a part of everyday life. There are times when we go conversation-less with many of them (I cannot go conversation-less with myself, though) And then, there are conversations that should be had, there are conversations that shouldn’t have happened, there are conversations that are awesome, there are conversation that are awkward, and I’ll stop with the assortment here!

I’ve had some of the most awesome (and awkward too!) conversations with Mr.B (oh! Mr.Bro whom I had introduced here) Time, medium, situation aren’t big influences when it comes to conversations between us. As I’m struggling a bit with writer’s block, I just intended to post few good conversations of us, over Whatsapp (well, those which aren’t quite intimate and personal!)

Shooting them, here I go…

While we spoke about life expectancy and leading a long life

B (You know who): It would be boring after a point
Dependency will increase

K (It’s me): Boring only if things are repetitive
One can be least dependent upto a level.
Beyond that we can’t help
After all we are social animals

B: There ll be a lot of limitations
Lack of true friends

K: Yes..Agreed on all
But life is about that
Sailing through all this

B: I don’t want to

K: I can say a lot more limitations now itself and stop my life right now
Why to wait till 50 or 60 even then

B: I have already questioned this.. What’s the point of any living being or its actions, when ultimately everything is progressing towards an inevitable end..

K: Hmm yes
I had this though too
And then all I understood was.. It’s not about the destination
It’s only about the journey.. And let me make the most of it

B: A journey without destination

K: Worrying about the indefinite destination only stops us from enjoying the journey
We dunno for sure what happens after we die
So what’s the use thinking of it

B: What is enjoyment in itself a tough question

K: It depends 🙂
I’m enjoying this conversation with you now

B: Basically there is some selfishness, however big or small, to every enjoyment

K: Yes.. In most cases

B: So basically everything about self satisfying

K: But what is completely selfless then?

And once while we were analyzing the history and geography of the world (and trying to change its course! )

K: Yes I agree.. Borders and patriotism came with civilization
Again there’s a difference between what’s civilised and what’s not
What seems civilised to me isn’t the same to someone else

B: Nope, the itch to be part of a group that is dominating or better at survival gave way to this discrimination. Being civilized is synonymous to being decent
If you use your words instead of violence.. Maybe that’s called being civilized

K: But why violence can’t be considered as civilised
The same… What is something to me.. Is something else to someone

B: When you resort to violence, most often you choose authority over negotiation.. You want it be your way, just cause you are powerful

K: Obviously yes.. And that’s one kind of civilization

B: What.. Resorting to violence instead of logic is a form of civilization? Not in my dictionary.. Maybe in yours
Look.. Violence is another way of ruling

Once when we he had a piece of share with me

B: Kau
Are you busy?

K: Hey no man
I was sleeping
And waking in between
And again sleeping

B: Woww
The kind of feeling we get when we are sleeping in our bed is just aww
As if everything is under control

And it keeps going on and on… these kind of conversations, and much more intense and intimate kind ones too!

God Bless
