Convo's with the Hubs

Posted on the 28 April 2012 by Brenda @PibblesNHeathen

wed (Photo credit: fourleggedmom)

Some of you may or may not know that my husband (hubs) is not Pagan. Actually, I think he's a closet atheist, which I can only assume 21+ years in the United States Air Force has done to him. Anyway, since my journey began, he has been pretty supportive. By supportive I mean, not giving me a hard time or judging me. (I think he's afraid I might cast a spell on him.) hehe
Anywho, I've told him bits and pieces about my path and what Asatru is about. Yeah, he pretty much just listens....until last weekend.......
Scenario:  We've (he mostly) have been building a deck out the back door of my house. It's mostly for me and my pit bull (Titan) to chill out on. Anywho, we started 2 weekends ago. Had a few set backs and some rainy weather. Last weekend, I had to crack up:

Him:  Can you talk to your peoples and ask them to stop the rain?

Me: (thinking to myself, Sure if I had that power, I would make you tall, dark, and studly) My peoples? Umm, you mean my Gods? 

Him:  Yeah whoever or whatever it is.

Me:  Yeah, ok (shaking my head). I'll see what I can do.
Well I never did and it rained most of the weekend so we didn't get the railings on the deck. Fail :(
So tonight, I'm still at work. The hubs obviously is on his way home. I get a text:
Him: Who ordered the wind?

Me: Probably Njord

Him:  You need to calm your peoples down so I can get a little done tonight.

Me: (shaking my head and giggling at the text.... my peoples again) 
When I finally got home, I asked him about "my peoples". He just smirked.
Me:  I'll talk to my peoples and you can talk to your person and we'll see who can get what done faster.

Him:  My person?

Me: Umm yeah? (laughing) I think you're a closet atheist! (giggle) 

Him:  Look, shake his head, smirk, no comment
haha So this really leads me to believe he may be. He never talks religion, God, or nothing. I've brought it up numerous times about his faith, yada yada yada. I think I finally got my answer, which I'm totally cool with. If he isn't Pagan, I'd damn sure rather him be atheist, than a bible thumper! :)
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What about your spouse or significant other. Are they Pagan, of a different faith, or of no faith? Does your Pagan beliefs, practices bother your spouse or do they participate?