Self Expression Magazine

Cosmo Blog Awards 2012

Posted on the 07 May 2012 by Accordingtoamber @sgwennu
Cosmo Blog Awards 2012Exciting time of year again fellow bloggers!I think what I really love about blog awards, is not the excitement of getting nominated and winning myself, not that it wouldn't be awesome, but the curiosity of seeing if anyone I know and love has been nominated. You know how they say that there's more joy in giving that receiving? I think that totally applies here.

So, who have I nominated?I don't think I actually nominated anyone last year, I just had a swell time voting for people. But this year I really wanted to be a bit more active in the whole awards process. I always used to vote for those TV Mag Awards too, t'know where you have to tick the boxes on the page for each category and send it off? Yeah, well I loved those.

CharadeBest Lifestyle BlogI nominated Megan from Charade. It's no secret that I love this girl. Is it possible to have a girl crush on someone in a totally non-creepy way? I hope so. I wrote all about her in a 'Beautiful Blog' post way back when - so please do check that out.
yes and yesThe Social Savvy AwardHas anyone been subscribing to Sarah Von's newsletter of awesome? Well you bloody well should be. If not, I dearly hope you've spotted some of her e-books in the past, on Adventures in Lady-Travel, the Post-College Survival Kit and her Wanderlust Workbook. Honestly, she's down to earth, fantastic, honest and wonderfully wise. So that's Sarah of Yes and Yes for you!
Cosmo Blog Awards 2012Best Established Beauty BloggerI haven't been a follower of Louise's Sprinkle of Glitter for very long, and if I'm totally honest - if I'd not discovered her via Zoella, another favorite of mine - I probably would have gone"Ooh, too pink and girly for me!" and not really read much further than the first page. I'm so so glad I did though because Louise is so so entertaining. I adore her youtube vlog posts and can quite happily trawl through her blog archives with a cuppa for a few hours. Love it, adore it, nominated it. 
Petit ChatonsBest New Beauty BloggerAnother new find, but then she only started out in January and already has a massive following, so she's certainly doing something right! Laura from Petit Chatons has that je ne sais que about her which I adore. She's also a Lush fanatic just like me. That's it so far! Have you nominated anyone, if so who?!

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