…count on Kindness

Posted on the 20 December 2012 by Zer @the2women

This last week our world witnessed an unfathomable tragedy, and although nothing will truly every make it alright, we can all take comfort in the fact that some good may come out of it.  The most recent being a movement meant to honor the fallen 26, aptly named “26 Acts of Kindness.”

The idea was proposed by Ann Curry via Twitter and has taken off with the hashtag #26acts.  It’s brilliant

I have one request of those performing these kind acts: please stop tweeting and posting your counts.  It’s great that you’re doing nice things, and honoring the victims, but the thought is lost when you insist on posting a running log of what number you’re on.

I understand that posting acts of kindness is the point of this movement, so let me explain. It’s not the acts that I mind, it’s the counting.  There’s something less than kind about boasting that you’ve done 15 kind things today.  Don’t you think?  Perhaps, people may even consider sharing kind acts from others, perhaps.

Although, I suppose that if the end result is that we’re all a little bit nicer to each other, I can tolerate a little vanity counting. Just don’t let yourself become self-important, because I’m willing to bet you’re not.  In fact, I’m counting on it.


Associated Press: To honor the fallen: 26 acts of kindness proposed

…bi-daily smile…