Coworkers, a Revelation

Posted on the 31 January 2013 by Missliabilities
5 months I've bitterly gone about each day at work waiting for the day it
would either get better or I would quit. Usually it's the people that make it worth it to come in everyday, but this hasn't been the case with my new coworkers and I couldn't pinpoint a reason why.
Yesterday it all came to me. I was minding my own business in my cube, and Rita came over and said "What are you, 2 years old?" and pointed to a usable grocery bag at my desk with the Pixar movie Brave on it. Normally people who say this light hearted joke have a smile on their face, she had a look a disgust. She wanted to make me feel like shit. It was like high school all over again!
I still remember the popular crowd making cruel jokes of me to look cool "Elle is such a hillbilly." "Your hair looks like a lawn mower cut it." and then turn right around and be nice to get the correct answer to the math problem.
This bitch does the same thing, and so does nearly everyone else at this job. They try to make me feel weird about not wanting to get drunk on a Wednesday night, for wearing the same outfit once a week, for watching children's movies I find endearing. And this time I don't give a shit what they say to me, so they come at me more.
None of them are genuine. They are all about making others feel like crap. One girl I haven't spoken to in a month because whenever I'd say anything to her "Is that a turkey sandwich?" she'd respond "Are you saying that because I'm black?"
If I'm planning on enduring this treatment for a few years, I have to get better noise canceling headphones. And an office, with a door.
Do you find people still haven't grown up around you?