Dear support system,
You are not crabs and for that, I thank you. Insert obvious, what is Aimee talking about, thought. I have been fighting extremely hard to get out of the bucket. Each time I get closer, a thought pulls me back down. Just like crabs in the bucket. This metaphor was used this weekend. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless competition which prevents them from escaping and actually making it out. Hmmm. Sound familiar?
So I took this and spun it while reflecting on what Warren Barfield said. You see my problem is sometimes all it takes is one crab. Just one. A doctor telling me that there is no cure for autoimmune, fibromyalgia, etc. A friend telling me no, they are not interested in my business, which is their choice by the way, or someone speaking negative thoughts in my ear about how I won't be able to grow my business. These thoughts become like crabs in my head and they pull me down. Over and over again. Until now.
I am going to succeed in my personal business, Vitalize You, and I am going to change lives. I am not promising you anything you can't already achieve, but I am promising you guidance on your journey. So to all my customers and fans, thank you for believing in my adventure. For lifting me out of the bucket when I needed it instead of pulling me back down...because believe me, I do enough of that on my own.
See tab Vitalize You for more about why I started my business.