Crafty Creatives

Posted on the 15 June 2013 by Blackmageheart @Blackmageheart

Hello friends! Hope you are all well!

OK, so a little while ago I was introduced to a lovely lady called Claire, from a craft outfit called Crafty Creatives. What they do is make up surprise boxes full of goodies and send them out to their subscribing members. Now, what they wanted from me was, naturally, cross stitch patterns! Naturally.
Their theme for the box this month is cakes and sweets and so I made four very simple cross stitch patterns around that. (Actually kind of weird since I’m stitching a set of cupcakes anyway!) All the patterns had to be very small and be used with any two thread colours – not an easy feat I can tell you! But I did my best and I’m pleased to say the boxes have all been sent out to the subbies!

Claire very kindly plugged this blog and Sprite Stitch, but also sent me a free box to try out – which I’m going to review for you all today! If you’re visiting from Crafty Creatives and don’t have your box yet, I’d advise you to look away now!

So, let’s start with the box, minus its pink parcel bag:

I love all these little touches, stickers and spotty paper. It really feels personal! Anyway, what’s inside? Well…

Here we have: a sweetie themed art card (it has words on the back), a recipe card, another card about taking a photo of yourself with your box, some tags, ice cream buttons, m&m beads, coloured beads, cake slice charms, a mini cookie cutter, some lovely double-sided papers, a cupcake ribbon, a gorgeous piece of material and of course, the cross stitch kit. And some lollies, yum!

Let me show you that material, it’s simply wonderful.

It’s really pretty, the picture does it no justice at all! (I need some more of this, the colours will be perfect for my new kitchen scheme.)

And let’s not forget the cross stitch kit!

There’s two threads (randomly selected by the CC girls), a piece of vintage coloured 14ct aida with a needle, a flexi-hoop and the four patterns. MY NAME IS ON THE SHEET, YAY! They’re kind of hard to make out in the picture but I will stitch these up over the weekend. Well…I’ve already stitched them before to test their size, but I want to use this box properly so I have no problems doing it again! I will post all the cake stitchings in a few days.

Here’s another shot of the box contents:

I’ll be honest in saying I wasn’t sure what to expect from the box but I was so surprised and impressed by the quality of the items inside. I will definitely be having fun with this box, so look out for what I get up to with the stuff! Except the lollies, because I don’t think anyone needs a picture of me eating ‘em!

Can I just take a moment to thank Crafty Creatives for allowing me the opportunity to help out with their project and also a big welcome and thanks to any of the CC subbies who visit my blog!

Next time…hopefully I will be doing a super-big catch-up post. It’s been too long since I crammed the internet full of my wares.
Until then, toodles!

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