Crashin' Cars

Posted on the 29 January 2014 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
I was pretty exhausted at work on Monday. I usually am, weekends are always pretty hard to recoup from. We stay up way too late, sleep in way too much and do whatever we want all weekend. When Monday kicks around it's hard to wake up to an alarm. It's hard to get my butt out the door on time. Work seems to last just a bit longer on Mondays and I was pretty busy anyway so to say that I was excited to go home and throw on sweats is an understatement.
I walked across the street, up to the third floor of the parking garage, got in my car and twisted and turned down the levels and finally out the gate. I had turned onto the side street ready to turn on to the main street with 4 lanes. 2 lanes are going North and 2 lanes are going South. I checked as always and then went to turn.
I'm still not even sure what had happened except that instead of driving I was at a complete stop with another car. Somehow she was pulling out of a street, I believe planning to cross the 4 lanes and go straight and I was turning left. I honestly don't know if it's my fault or hers, we're both suppose to yield and clearly neither of us did that... whoops. I think it's my fault, because for some reason I think it's always the left turners fault.
We pulled over to the side of the road and exchanged insurance, jotted down phone numbers and took photos. We talked for a few minutes, we both apologized profusely and then we drove off in opposite directions.
My car is fine. There is a small crack in the front bumper and a few loose clips that hold my "grill" on. I put the " because I'm not sure if it really is called a grill or not. However, I do want to sing "Let me see your grill... my what? your grill!"
Her car had a bit more damage, still nothing bad. She had 2 dents above her wheel. The paint was scraped off, but nothing serious.
I am super bummed that my insurance will probably go up and it's lame that I have a crack in my front bumper, but at least it's nothing serious, at least we can still drive our cars, and mostly AT LEAST no one was hurt. She had her son in the back seat and he was as happy as could be. I asked her a million times if he was okay, but he was far more concerned that he couldn't get out of the car and play.
All I can say is that even though I was in a fender bender at least this woman was NICE. Do you know how far being nice can get you? Remember my next door neighbor from last weeks story. Well I hate her and she didn't really do anything. Literally she DID nothing - even as I was flat on the ground in tons of pain. Then there is this woman who I was in a car accident with, maybe it's partially her fault that my car is damaged and yet I feel empathetic. I told Jared, I would pay for her damages on my credit card if our insurance won't cover it all because she was nice.
Here is a very accurate reenactment of our crash. I promise that left turns are legal right there despite how my drawing looks. I'm the blue car, my path is marked in blue and she is the pink.