Crazy Dream

Posted on the 14 December 2011 by Paige
Last night I had a dream that I had my own talk show and Mom was a guest on my talk show.
On the other side of the studio Aunt Vicki was celebrating her 1st wedding anniversary. She had lots of cupcakes and desserts. On the commercial breaks of my talk show I would go to Aunt Vicki's party and tell my sister and her friends not to put grass on the cake or eat all the cupcakes. Then when I was walking back to the set after a commercial break I saw Oprah sitting on the set of my talk show and I said "Oh My Goodness It's Oprah! Hi" then I started crying and Oprah said "Hey I think I've seen you before" then Mom said "Of course you would have seen her before! Her talk show is rated #1 and she is the first kid to have a popular talk show. Then Oprah said hi and she asked me what I wanted to do when I grow up, after about five minutes of thinking I said "I want to own an island and I would have everything I needed on my island like food and doctors. I would save all animals that needed a home and let them live on my island until they found a new place to live. or I would like to be a photographer or a writer or I would like to keep having a talk show." Then Oprah started asking more questions and I said "This is my talk show I will be asking the questions here!" Then I woke up.