Crazy Kids Last Sunday

Posted on the 08 June 2016 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Last Sunday the kids were shocking. Yes really naughty, not listening to mummy or daddy and just out of sorts.

Was it the wind?

Was it the cold weather?

Was there a new moon happening?

I was not sure if it was any of these. I do know some say that if it is very windy kids act up. I do think this might be right as kids seem to be crazier if it is windy.

Did you have a hell day last Sunday? Hubby mentioned this to mates on Monday. They all said they had the same thing happen. Weird.....

Even the baby was out of sorts. Every time I put the baby down for a nap he would wake soon after. I spent the whole day with a baby that was super tired and did not sleep and twins that were running amok! The baby finally decided to sleep at 12:13am the next day and for the twins they eventually went to sleep at around 10pm Sunday night.

Also while hubby was at work he asked if a friend who has recently become a father had anything odd happen on Sunday. This person said that their baby did not settle all day as well and just did not want to sleep until it was similar time-frame as Alexander did that Sunday or by this stage you would call it Monday morning.

Let me know if you had something similar happen. I did meet up with an old friend and asked if her little boy who is five did something similar. She said he was out of sorts too. So it was not just us in our our area.

I would be very curious to learn if more people had this happen to them.

Posted under Family and tagged with baby not sleeping, baby unhappy, does a new moon affect children's behaviour?, kids acting up, kids not listening, naughty kids, tired baby, tired kids, weather controlling moods, windy and naughty children, windy weather out of control kids
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