This weeks beautiful photo in Creative License Friday is submitted by Cathy. I fell for the shiny reflections of sunlight in Cathys photo, and I felt like playing with these reflections in some way.
Using a texture from Lenabem-Anna (I found Anna's textures by a co-bloggers creative editing at last weeks Creative License Friday), I enchanged the sunlight to moonlight. The moon in Anna's texture is positioned such in a way that it suits to the reflections on the water in Cathy's photo.
I enchanged the tones a bit, softened the image lightly and added some vignet-effect in Picmonkey ... trying to be careful not to over-edit, beholding a bit of the oli canvas-like texture.
A poem from Christina Rosetti fits to athmospehere of the moonlight ...

Within her misty veil:
She scales the sky from east to west,
And takes no rest. Before the coming of the night
The moon shows papery white;
Before the dawning of the day
She fades away. Christina Rossetti
: : :
Thank you for hosting this creative challenge, She who carries camera!